Ophelia's Conversion Maps

I did Conversion Maps for the following:

  1. Bonnie Christine
  2. BambooHR
  3. Bambee
  4. Galileo Medical
  5. You Can Book Me


  • The ad features an enticing offer for a free guide on pattern design, aimed to draw the viewer's attention and spark interest in learning more about surface pattern design. The ad copy is persuasive and speaks directly to the audience's desire to create and possibly earn income from their creativity. It presents pattern design as a fun side hustle that the viewer might love, thereby generating interest and leading them into the funnel.


  • The opt-in form captures leads by offering the free guide in exchange for the viewer's first name and email address. This is a common lead capture strategy, providing something of value to collect contact information which can be used for follow-up communications and to move leads further down the funnel.


  • The confirmation/thank-you page introduces the offer more formally. It congratulates the user for taking the first step and outlines what they can expect from the guide, emphasizing the value of the content. It also suggests a future path for the audience, potentially leading to monetization, which could be a precursor to a sell. However, the primary sell is not clearly depicted; it's more of an engagement and further nurturing step.


  • The first email welcomes the new subscriber, providing an overview of the value they will get, and setting expectations for future communications. The upsell might be implicit here, mentioning the various parts of Bonnie's offerings, like the courses and memberships, which can be considered a soft upsell, but the actual transactional upsell isn't present in this communication.

Follow-Up (Emails, Texts, Voicemails, etc.)

  • The second email represents the follow-up component. It piggybacks from the first email from Bonnie introducing herself and outlining the types of content the subscriber will receive, like her podcast and free resources. It sets the stage for a relationship and ongoing communication, which is crucial for nurturing leads. The follow-up here is gentle, aiming to build trust and rapport. The second email also plays a role in follow-up by reminding the reader to download the guide they signed up for, and it reiterates the offer to buy a hard copy of the guide, which can be seen as a soft upsell.

In summary:

  • The ad copy is designed to attract attention and generate interest in pattern design.
  • The capture phase is achieved through an opt-in form asking for the visitor's details in exchange for the free guide.
  • The selling is not directly shown but is hinted at through the engagement steps, guiding the lead through the value of the offer.
  • The upsell is suggested through the mention of other products and services in the follow-up emails, which encourage further engagement.
  • The follow-up phase is well-represented with emails that aim to nurture the relationship, provide value, and potentially lead to future sales.